Check the Course Schedule for activity topics, requirements, and due dates. The criteria below will determine your activity score.
Activity Participation | Proficient (A/B) | Adequate (C) | Needs Improvement (D/F) |
Attended class on activity day (or, if absent, made arrangements with the instructor to complete makeup work for the activity) | | | |
Prepared for activity by completing assigned reading and other work (e.g., summary, definitions) before class and by bringing to class notes, an annotated copy of assigned reading | | | |
Demonstrated active listening by making eye contact with the speaker and avoiding distractions such as electronic devices, non-class-related materials, or side conversations | | | |
Moved the small-group work forward by
| | | |
Prioritized quality of small-group contributions over quantity | | | |
Demonstrated open-mindedness to new or opposing ideas and respect for classmates | | | |
Moved the whole-class discussion forward by
| | | |